End of September 2003 and into early October - page 5

(page 1 of photos is here, page 2, page 3, page 4

And, finally! We actually are able to start storing some backstock of yarns in the building!
(Oh, Yes, someday we will be moved in for real, but we still have a lot to do !)

(last week of Sept 2003)
Above Loring and Kaya take the first cart of cotton yarn boxes
up the street from the Bissell building to the rear of the new building.

Andy and Loring.

Pascual, Loring and Andy with the first boxes.


End of November 2003 and into early December

We still haven't moved and it's almost Christmas - but we are getting very close.
We've done a lot since the page 5 photos. A major change in look are the new colors. We painted all the interior walls.
Ivory for the top 2/3 and the bottom in a rich plum/purple with deep red trim.

My brother, David Druding, came to visit again to help (before Loring and Dacia's wedding) - and one major project was to fix the old broken sign that used to say "Cortese" (the old name of the Pontiac/GMC dealer who was here in the 70s and 80s and from whom we bought the building) and get our sign up. This meant replacing the huge sheet of plastic on both sides (in sections). We had vinyl letters made at TAP Plastics that say ' straw.com ' and adhered them to the new plastic for the north side of the sign. But had to put them in place on the existing plastic base on the south side of the sign. Renting a big scissor lift was necessary since the top of the sign is over 30 feet high!

The Sign

Above is the sign with letters being mounted in sections inside on the floor.
Each letter is 18 inches high!

Above are David and Doug working on the letters on the south side.
You can see the north side of the sign doesn't have it's plastic up yet.

Partly done - the day was windy and being up on the lift
was a little unnerving in the wind.

Putting up the 'dot' in straw.com

The finished sign! And you can see
that we also got the front of the building painted
- no more ugly furniture signs.

AND we MOVED into the Building in March 2004!

See how we were using it in 2005 - HERE