Crystal Palace Yarns - FREE PATTERN - Knit
Description: Keep that little one you love warm & snug with this fun hat design.
Level: Advanced Beginner-Intermediate
Size: Child 2-7 yrs (16.5 in head circumference)
Gauge: 3 sts/inch in St st on larger needles
Abbreviations: CO: cast on; C4B: slip 2 sts to cable holder or spare needle and hold in back, K2 sts from left needle, K2 sts from holder, C4F: slip 2 sts to cable holder or spare needle and hold in front, K2 sts from left needle, K2 sts from holder; dec: decrease; K: knit; K2tog- knit 2 sts together; LT: (left twist) K2tog but do not move new st to right needle, K into 1st st and move both sts to right needle; P: purl; pm: place marker; rem: remain(ing); rep: repeat; st(s): stitch(es); St st: stockinette st, knit every round; rnd: round; SSK: slip two stitches from left to right needle, one-at-a-time. Insert tip of left needle into these two sts and knit them (Dec of 1); SKP: slip one st from left to rt needle, K next st, pass slipped st over the K st (dec of 1)
With size 10.5, 16" circular needle, CO 56 sts. Join, being careful not to twist; PM.
K 7 rnds.
P1 rnd.
Begin 4-rnd Cable Pattern.
Cable Pattern:
Rnd 1: *(P2, K8, P2, LT) around.
Rnd 2: *(P2, K8, P2, K2), around.
Rnd 3: *(P2, C4B, C4F, P2, LT), around.
Rnd 4: as Rnd 2.
Repeat these 4 rnds until hat is ~5 in from P rnd above roll-brim, ending with rnd 4.
Crown shaping: Change to dpn as soon as necessary to avoid stretching the hat on the circular needles as st count decreases.
Dec rnd 1: *(P2tog, K8, P2tog, LT) around.
Work 1 rnd as *(P1, K8, P1, K2) around.
Dec rnd 2: *(P1 [hold 2 sts in back, K2tog, K2sts from holder; hold 2 sts in front; K2tog, K2sts from holder] P1, LT), around.
Work 1 rnd as *(P1, K6, P1, K2) around.
Dec rnd 3: *(P1, K6, P1, K2tog), around.
Change to smaller size dpn. Work 1 rnd as *(P1, K6, P1, K1) around.
Dec rnd 4: *(P1 [Hold 1 st in back, K2tog, K st from back; hold 1 st in front, K2tog, K st from front] P1, K1), around.
Work 1 rnd as *(P1, K4, P1, K1) around.
Dec rnd 5: P1, move marker. *(K4, P2tog), around.
Dec rnd 6: K2tog around. Cut yarn, leaving an ~ 8 in end.
With a crochet hook or tapestry needle, draw yarn through each loop on
needle and drop off. Pull snugly.
Work all ends in on reverse side so they do not show. (A crochet hook does
this very rapidly.)
Laura is the editor (and author-designer) of 50 Socks-50 states and More [a ~58-pattern, 23-designer CD 2010 released for both PC and MAC], from Sirius Knitting Publications and can be reached at [email protected]
August 2012