Crystal Palace Yarns - FREE PATTERN - Knit
Description: Beautiful slip-stitch mosaic scarf knit in Allegro DK.
Level: Intermediate
Size: 6" x 60"
Gauge: 6 sts=1 inch in mosaic pattern on larger needles
Abbreviations: K- knit; P- purl; RS- right side (outside of garment); sl- slip; st(s)- stitch(es) WS- wrong side (underside of garment); wyif- with yarn in front
3-Needle Bind-Off: Place pieces RS together with needles parallel. Using tip of third needle, bind off together by knitting through first stitch on both needles.
Mosaic Knitting uses 2 colors, but only one color is used at a time for two consecutive rows. The pattern is worked by reading the first row of the chart from right to left, knitting the sts of the working yarn and slipping the stitches of the resting yarn. The last 3 sts of every row are slipped with yarn in front, thus creating the I-cord edge.
Row 2 is worked not by working from the chart, but by knitting the sts of the working yarn and slipping the other stitches purlwise, with yarn in front. On the wrong-side rows the last 3 slipped stitches from the right-side row are knitted with the working color.
Using smaller needles and darker color, cast on 41 sts. Knit 5 rows. Change to larger needles and lighter color. Knit 2 rows. Begin chart:
As an example, the first two rows are worked as follows
Row 1: Dark color: K3, sl 1, K1, sl 1, K3, sl 1, (K1, sl 1) 11 times, K3, sl 1, K1, sl 1, sl 3 wyif.
Row 2: Dark color: K3, sl all light colored stitches wyif, K all dark-colored sts, ending sl 3 wyif.
Row 3: Light color: K4, sl 1, K15, sl 1, K15, sl 1, K1, sl 3 wyif.
Row 4: K3, K all light colored sts, sl all dark-colored sts wyif, ending sl last 3 sts wyif.
The arrows on the chart indicate 3 slipped sts wyif. The last 3 sts on all ws rows are also slipped wyif.
Begin pattern, repeating chart 8 times. End by working a wrong-side row. Place sts
on a spare needle and set aside.
Knit a second half of the scarf in the same manner.
Place right sides together and work 3-needle bind off.
March 2016