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Crystal Palace Yarns - Knit


Allegro Lace

Striped Socks

Designed by Cathy Campbell

Description:  These stylish, half-calf socks feature simple leg shaping, reinforced heel-stitch turned heel, gusset and toe decreases.  Choose tonal colors or colors with contrast to suit your style; the extensive Allegro Lace range of heathered colors offers many color options.

Level: Intermediate (turning the heel, picking up stitches, working in the round, k2tog and ssk decreases)

Size:  Woman's M (L) - 8 (9)" circumference at foot and ankle


Gauge:  8 sts = 1" in St st

Abbreviations:  CC- contrasting color; CO - cast-on; dpn- double-pointed needle; k- knit; k2tog- knit 2 sts together; MC- main color; p- purl; rnd(s)- round(s); ssk- slip one st knitwise, then slip the next st knitwise, then put those 2 sts back on the other needle and knit them together (decreases one st); st(s)- stitch(es)


This pattern is no longer available on this site.




December 2015

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