Crystal Palace Yarns - FREE PATTERN - Knit
Description: These soft, top-down socks in Danube DK feature an eyelet wave pattern on the leg and top of foot. The bottom of the foot is done in St st. The heel is turned with gusset construction on the sides of the slip-stitch-reinforced heel flap. The slow-stripes of Danube accentuate the wave pattern for a great-looking sock.
Level: Intermediate (working in the rnd, turning heel, gusset dec, eyelets)
Size: Adult Woman shoe size 7½ - 8 (foot length can be customized)
2-3 balls Crystal Palace Danube DK (#304, Baltic Blues)
Crystal Palace Bamboo Needles double-pointed in US size 4 for leg & 3 for foot, or size needed for gauge*
Stitch marker
Crochet hook or yarn sewing needle
* Designer's note: The sock foot needs to be knit very firmly, hence the smaller needles; however, for the leg, a softer hand is nice.
Gauge: 6.5 sts = 1 inch over St st on #3 needles (foot)
Abbreviations: beg- beginning; CO- cast on; k- knit; k2tog- knit 2 stitches together to decrease by one stitch; k3tog- knit 3 stitches together to decrease by two stitches; p- purl; p2tog- purl 2 stitches together to decrease by one stitch; psso- pass slip st over; rep - repeat; rnd- round; ssk- slip 1 stitch knitwise onto right needle, slip 2nd stitch kitwise onto right needle, slip both stitches back onto left needle and knit them together (decreases by one); st(s)- stitch(es); yo- yarn over
With larger dpns (#4) CO 52 sts; Join & place marker to indicate beg of rnd; be careful not to twist sts.
Sock Cuff: K 6 rnds to form a rolled edge. [Optional - work 6 rows in K2, P2 ribbing]
Sock Leg: Begin pattern and work sock in pattern until ~6 in from cast-on edge. Begin wave pattern.
WAVE Pattern:
Rnds 1 & 3: *[k1 (Sl-1, k2tog, psso), k1, (yo, k1)x4, k3tog, k1)
Rnds 2 & 4: K all sts
Rnds 5 & 6: P
End pattern after completion of Rnd 6. Change to smaller dpn (#3).
Heel: K13; turn, P back across 26 sts. (Remaining 26 sts are held on needle for use later.)
Heel Front: *(Sl-1, K1) across. Turn.
Heel Back: Sl-1, *P across. Turn.
Alternate these 2 rows until the heel is ~2.25 - 2.5 in from start.
Heel Turn: (26 sts on heel needle)
On front: Sl-1, K across 14 sts; K2tog, K1, turn; on back, Sl-1, P 5 sts, P2tog, P1, turn.
Front: Sl-1, K across to 1 st before gap, K2tog, K1, turn.
Back: Sl-1, P across to 1 st before gap, P2tog, P1, turn.
Repeat these 2 rows until all sts are used up.
Gusset pickups
1. K across ½ sts (and hold for needle #3)
2. With a new needle (#1) k across the rem sts; pick up sts going down the side of the sock heel.
3. With needle #2, work in pattern, starting with Rnd #1
4. With needle #3, pick up sts going up the side of the sock heel and K the rem sts from step #1 above.
Sock Foot: Alternate Dec Rnd and Plain Rnd until all extra gusset sts are decreased (13 sts on each of ndls #1 & 3; 26 sts on ndl #2)
Decrease Rnd:
Ndl #1: K across to last 3 sts; k2tog, k1; Ndl #2: work in pattern; Ndl #3: k1, sl-1, k1, psso, k across.
Plain Rnd:
Ndls #1 & 3: K across; Ndl #2: work in pattern.
Once the total st count returns to 52 st, work as established (k on Ndls #1 &3; pattern on Ndl #2) until foot as measured from back of heel is ~2in shorter than longest toe.
Toe Shaping: Now begin toe decreases.
Dec Rnd:
Needle 1: K to last 3 sts; K2tog, K1.
Needle 2: K1, Slip1, K1, PSSO, K to last 3 sts; K2tog, K1.
Needle 3: K1, Slip 1, K1, PSSO, and K to end.
Plain Rnd: K all sts.
You will alternate Dec Rnds and Plain Rnds until 8 sts remain.
Toe closure:
Cut the yarn, leaving an ~8 in end. With tapestry needle or a crochet hook, pull the yarn through the sts one at a time, dropping each off the needle. Pull tightly to close; tuck end inside.
Finishing: Work in all ends. (Try a crochet hook for this - no need to thread needle & this is faster.)
January 2014