Crystal Palace Yarns - FREE PATTERN - Knit
Description: This soft, two-ball scarf features a central cable panel with seed-stitch edging. The gradual color changes of Danube Bulky add extra visual interest.
Level: Easy/Intermediate (basic cable, seed st)
Size: 4" x 62"
Gauge: 4.5 sts=1" over cable and seed stitch pattern
Abbreviations: k- knit; p- purl; rep- repeat; RS- right side (outside of work)
Cast on 18 sts.
K 3 rows. Begin Cable Sequence.
Note: 6 sts on each side are knit throughout in seed st, the center 6 sts are cabled in a 3-3 st cable.
Cable Sequence: (multiple of 18 sts)
Row 1 (RS): *K1 P1, K1, P1, K1, P1*, K6, rep between *s
Row 2: *P1 K1, P1, K1, P1, K1*, P6, rep between *s
Rows 3 & 5: Rep Row 1
Rows 4 & 6: Rep Row 2
Row 7 (RS): [cable row]: *K1 P1, K1, P1, K1, P1*, move 3 sts to cable needle, hold in back of work, K3 from left needle, now K3 from cable needle, rep between *s.
Row 8: Rep Row 2.
Repeat these 8 rows until almost out of yarn. End with 3 K row. Bind off.
Spritz with water or dampen, block & pin on big towel to dry.
April 2014