Crystal Palace Yarns - FREE PATTERN - Knit
Description: This cowl features a beautiful central diamond lace pattern. The gradual color changes of Danube Bulky add visual interest, and the softness makes it very comfortable to wear. It takes just two balls to make.
Level: Intermediate (charted pattern, eyelet lace)
Size: 8" high x 32" circumference
Gauge: 4 sts =1" in St st
Abbreviations: CO: cast on; dec: decrease; K: knit; K2tog: knit 2 sts together; LT: knit 2 sts together but do not remove from left needle; knit the first st and move both to right needle; P: purl; P2tog: purl 2 sts together; rem: remain(ing); rep: repeat; st(s): stitch(es); St st: stockinette st, knit every round; rnd: round; SSK: slip two stitches from left to right needle, one-at-a-time. Insert tip of left needle into these two sts and knit them (Dec of 1); SKP: slip one st from left to rt needle, K next st, pass Sl-st over the K st (dec of 1); PM: place marker; YO: yarn over. Special abbreviations needed for design are also listed below.
Cast-On: Cast on 34 sts, using the cable cast on.
K 1 row (RS).
P 1 row (WS).
P 1 row (RS).
K 1 row (WS).
K 1 row (RS).
P 1 row (WS).
Work Motif 1:
Front: K3, place marker (PM), follow chart to work Motif 1, PM, repeat Motif 1, PM, K3.
Back: K3, purl across, K3.
Repeat the Motif 1 Chart twice. On the last purl row, work a 1-st decrease thusly: K3, P2tog, P across to last 3 sts, K3. (33 sts)
Begin Diamond Lace Motif:
Front: K7, PM, Work Diamond Lace Motif, PM, K7.
Back: K3, purl across to last 3 sts, K3.
Repeat Diamond Lace Motif four (4) times. In the last purl row, inc 1 st (34).
Work Motif 3:
Front: K3, PM, work Motif 3, PM, work Motif 3, PM, K3
Back: K3, purl across to last 3 sts, K3.
Repeat the 8 rows of Motif 3 twice.
K 1 row (RS).
K 1 row (WS).
P1 row (RS).
P 1 row (WS).
K 1 row (RS). Bind off loosely in Purl.
Cut yarn, leaving an ~8 inch end. Using a crochet hook, or tapestry needle, tuck in all ends.
Sew cowl together. Dampen and block.
April 2014