Crystal Palace Yarns - Knit
Level: Easy/Intermediate (k2tog & ssk decreases, double yo's, working in the rnd)
Size: Adult Medium (~19" circumference at edge, 22" circumference at widest point, 10" high)
Gauge: 4½ sts=1 inch over pattern stitch (~ 4 sts=1" over St st) on larger needles
Abbreviations: beg- beginning; CO- cast on; k- knit; k2tog- knit 2 stitches together to decrease by one stitch; p- purl; rep- repeat; rnd- round; ssk- slip 1 stitch knitwise onto right needle, slip 2nd stitch knitwise onto right needle, slip both stitches back onto left needle and knit them together (decreases by one); st(s)- stitch(es); yo- yarn over
This pattern is no longer available on this site.
July 2013