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Crystal Palace Yarns - FREE PATTERN - Knit


Panda Pearl

Inner Truth Cowl

Designed by Laura Andersson and knit by Angie Kachelmeier

Description:  This gorgeous and cozy cabled cowl is elegant in Crystal Palace Panda Pearl.  Three mini-twists twirl inside a lucky horseshoe, flanked by rev St st, 2 x 2 cable band a seed-st outer border. The back has small LT's (left twists) to add interest and make the scarf nice-looking on both sides. Pay attention to needle choice; if you knit this too tightly you will sacrifice the softness of the yarn.

Level:  Intermediate

Size:  58" x 7"


Gauge:  5 sts=1" over seed stitch

Special Abbreviations:

LT: Left Twist=Knit into the 2nd st and now knit the first.
Alternate: K2tog and knit the first st (no decrease).

C4F: 4-st cable where the 2 sts being "cabled" are held in front.

C6F: 6-st cable where the 3 sts being "cabled" are held in front. Work pattern up to the "C6F". Slip the next 3 st onto a cable holder (or dpn or anything handy) and let them drop in front of the knitting. Knit the next 3 st off the left needle and pull snugly, esp. when knitting the first of these sts. Now you will knit the 3 sts from your holder. This will seem awkward at first, but notice the nice cable twist you just made!

5 St Seed border is worked k1, p1, k1, p1, k1 at each side of scarf.



1. Work gauge swatch and adjust needle size accordingly.

2. Cast on 42 sts.

3. Place a marker to indicate the front of the work.

4.  Purl 1 row (WS).

5. Begin the Inner Truth Cable pattern below.


Note 1: I have set off the main pattern in [] brackets so you can "see it" more readily.
Note 2: The twist stitch below is done on the BACK of the scarf to add interest, so on the front it is simply 2 purl sts.

Note 3: A "trick" to make your cables look nice is to work the purl st AFTER the cable carefully. If you wrap the yarn UP with the purl it will tighten the purl and enhance the cable.
Note 4:
Watch out! Remember that the 2nd cable twist on row 5 drops to the BACK.


Inner Truth Cable Pattern:

Row 1 (Front): 5-st Seed border, p2, k4, [p2, k3, p2, k6, p2, k3, p2], k4, p2, 5-st Seed border.

Row 2 (Back): 5-st Seed border, LT, p4, [k2, p3, k2, p6, k2, p3, k2], p4, LT, seed-5.

Note:This row is worked for all even rows in the pattern - 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12.

Row 3: Seed-5, p2, C4F, [p2, k3, p2, C6F, p2, k3, p2] C4F, p2, seed-5.

Row 4: As row 2.

Row 5: Seed-5, p2, k4 [p2, sl 5 to holder in front, k3, sl the 2 p sts from front holder onto left needle and p them, k3 from front holder, sl5 to holder in back, k3, sl the 2 p sts from back holder on to left needle and p them, k3 from back holder, p2] k4, p2, seed-5.

Row 6: As row 2.

Row 7: As row 3.

Row 8: As row 2.

Row 9: As row 1.

Row 10: As row 2.

Row 11: As row 3.

Row 12: As row 2.


Repeat Rows 1-12 until piece measures ~58", ending last repeat with a Row 11.  (You should have 33 repeats of cable pattern.) BO purlwise, so there is a plain row to make sewing easier.   Sew up seam.  Weave in ends.


Chart for Inner Truth Pattern




February 2015

revised 3/3/2015

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