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Crystal Palace Yarns - FREE PATTERN - Knit


Panda Pearl

Side-Stepping Cowl

Designed by Laura Andersson

Description:  Cowls = versatile fashion addition; great gifting; and you only have to knit one.  The Side-Stepping Cowl pattern uses both K & P sts to best showcase your favorite yarn colors.  You will want to make several!This free cowl pattern use less than one skein to make.  (2 skeins should yield three cowls.)

Level:  Easy/Intermediate

Size:  Adult Medium (~19" circumference)


Gauge:  5.5 sts=1" over St st (6 sts=1" in Side-Stepping pattern)

Abbreviations:  CO: cast on; dec: decrease; K: knit; P: purl; rem: remain(ing); rep: repeat; st(s): stitch(es); St st: stockinette st, knit every round; rnd: round;
SSK: slip two stitches from left to right needle, one-at-a-time. Insert tip of left needle into these two sts and knit them (Dec of 1); SKP: slip one st from left to rt needle, K next st, pass SL-st over the K st (dec of 1).  



With 16" circular needle, CO 104 sts. Join, being careful not to twist.
Place Marker to indicate beginning of round



P 3 rnds.


Begin Side-Stepping Pattern:

Rnd 1 & 2: *(k4, p4), around.

Rnd 3 & 4: *(P1, k4, p4) around, end p3.

Rnd 5 & 6: *(P2, k4, p4), around, end p2.

Rnd 7 & 8: *(p3, k4, p4), around, end p1.

Rnd 9 & 10: *(p4, k4), around.

Rnd 11 & 12: *(k1, p4, k4), around, end k3.

Rnd 13 & 14: *(k2, p4, k4), around, end k2.

Rnd 15 & 16: *(k3, p4, k4), around, end k1.


Rep these 16 rnds a total of 3 times, until cowl is ~7" from CO edge.

P 2 rnds.  Bind off in P, very loosely.


Cut yarn, leaving an ~ 8 in end. Pull end through last loop.


Finishing: work ends in on reverse side so they don’t show. A crochet hook does this very rapidly.


Laura is the editor (and author-designer) of 50 Socks- 50 states and More [a ~58-pattern, 23-designer CD 2010 released for both PC and MAC], from Sirius Knitting Publications and can be reached at [email protected].



May 2015

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