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Crystal Palace Yarns - FREE PATTERN - Knit


Allegro Aran

Pyramid Lace Fingerless Gloves

Designed by Gail Tanquary of Alameda Yarn Co.

Description:  These mitts match the Pyramid Lace Scarf and Pyramid Lace Cowl.

Level:  Intermediate

Size: 6.5" circumference (unstretched) x 8" high


Gauge:  1 repeat of *K3, P2, P3 tog, P2, K3* = 1.75"

Abbreviations:  K- knit; P- purl; P3 tog- purl 3 stitches together to decrease by 2, RS- right side (outside of garment); WS- wrong side (underside of garment); yo- yarn over


Right increase:  Tip left needle forward, K into purl bump on back of st, then K into st on needle.


Left increase:  K st on left needle, then K into right leg of st one row below the st on left needle.



Cast on 42 sts.  P one row.  Divide onto 3 needles  

            14 sts on needle #1, 

            15 sts on needle #2, 

            13 sts on needle #3.

Needle # 2 will be the pattern, needles 1 and 3 will be K1-P1 ribbing. 


Round 1:  K1-P1 across needle #1,

            K1,  yo, K3, P2, P3 tog, P2, K3, yo, K1 across needle #2

            P1-K1 across needle #3, ending P1.


Continue in this manner, ribbing needles #1 and #3 and working needle #2 as follows:


Round 2:  K5, P5, K5.

Round 3:  K1, yo, K4, P1, P3 tog, P1, K4, yo, K1.

Round 4:  K6, P3, K6.

Round 5:  K1, yo, K5, P3 tog, K5, yo, K1.

Round 6:  K7, P1, K7


Repeat Rounds 1-6 twice more.    Begin thumb gusset:


Left hand: 

Next Round :  Rib across needle 1 to last 6 sts, place marker, right increase in next K st, K1, left increase in next K st, P1 K1, P1.  Work pattern row 1 across needle 2, rib across needle 3.


Next Round :   Rib to marker, K across sts of thumb gusset, work pattern row 2 across needle 2, rib across needle 3.  


Continue pattern as established, and at the same time work thumb gusset increases on alternate round until there are 15 sts between the markers.


Next Round:  Rib across needle 1 to marker, K across thumb gusset and place on string holder, using cable method, cast on 3 sts, K across these 3 sts, rib to end of needle 2.


Continue pattern, incorporating new sts into rib pattern, until a total of 9 repeats of the pattern have been completed.  Bind off in pattern.


Thumb:   Divide stitches of thumb gusset onto 3 double point needles.

Knit 3 rounds.  Work 3 rounds K1-P1 ribbing.  Bind off in pattern.


Right Hand:

Work the right hand glove in the same manner, placing markers for thumb gusset on needle #3 as follows:  P1, K1, P1, place marker, right increase, k1, left increase, place marker, rib to end of needle #3.  Continue to match left glove.


Soak completely in luke-warm water and pin flat to block.


We are happy to share this pattern with knitters. The pattern may be used for non-commercial personal or knitting guild use. It is not to be used in any publication in print nor should it be reproduced in electronic/digital format without permission. Shops carrying Crystal Palace Yarns are welcome to print and share this pattern with customers of our yarns. 

November 2015

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