Crystal Palace Yarns - FREE PATTERN - Knit
Description: This is a stunning scarf. The mosaic design is made by slipping stitches, so you do not have to change colors within the row. The scarf should have enough give in the stitches to block it to 52" if desired. See the matching Mosaic Tile Hat.
Level: Intermediate
Size: ~6" wide x 52" long blocked (~7" x 42" unblocked)
Gauge: ~5.5 sts=1" in Mosaic Pattern on larger needles before blocking
Abbreviations: BO- bind off; CO- cast on; k- knit; p- purl; rep- repeat; st(s) - stitches; x- times; wyif- with yarn in front
Mosaic Knitting uses 2 colors, but only one color is used at a time for two consecutive rows. The pattern is worked by reading the first row of the chart from right to left, knitting the sts of the working yarn and slipping the stitches of the resting yarn. The last 3 sts of every row are slipped with yarn in front, thus creating the I-cord edge.
Row 2 is worked not by working from the chart, but by knitting the sts of the working yarn and slipping the other stitches purlwise, with yarn in front. On the wrong-side rows the last 3 slipped stitches from the right-side row are knitted with the working color.
As an example, the first two rows are worked as follows:
Row 1: With Mochi Plus, K4, sl 1, K3, sl 1 (K1, sl 1) 3 times, K3, sl 1, K3, sl 1 (K1, sl 1) 3 times, K3, sl 1, K1, sl 3 wyif.
Row 2: Continuing with Mochi Plus, K the first 3 slipped sts and all Mochi sts, sl all CC sts with yarn in front. Slip the last 3 sts wyif.
The 3rd and 4th rows are worked with the Allegro DK, knitting the light stitches on the chart and slipping the Mochi Plus stitches. The arrows designate slipped sts at end of rows.
Begin Pattern:
Using smaller needle and Mochi Plus, cast on 37 sts. Knit 5 rows, slipping the last 3 sts of each row with yarn in front. Change to larger needle and Allegro. Knit 2 rows.
Beginning with Mochi Plus, repeat chart 24 times. End by working a wrong-side row.
With Allegro, K 2 rows. Change to smaller needle and Mochi Plus. Knit 6 rows.
Bind off with larger needle.
The scarf will be ~42" long when finished. If longer scarf is desired, dampen the scarf to loosen up the stitches, and block to blocked measurements above.
March 2016 (revised July 27, 2016)